K, P and myself had a very pleasant long lunch and coffee at our newest watering hole. Deli Gasta is a very good bistro in Broadford where they will make up a salad for one using a choice of almost everything on the buffet counter ! The crayfish and fresh crab are gorgeous, followed by (for me the diabetic) an illegal lemon and poppy seed muffin and strong flat white coffee, and I feel almost ready to face the world again !
We had a very good rehearsal last night, constructive, lively and great fun. There is something about this year's production which has meant the cast have gelled extremely well. They are a complete team, and the support around the hall is tangible. The youngsters are so vibrant and the older folk are the solid rock foundation of the show. I am enjoying it enormously. Now we need to tackle the ensembles and dialogue........Ouch !
One of my tough and strong girls who is playing Ella in Patience was a finisher, along with her family in a Tough Mudder weekend. I cannot believe she didn't break any bones or sprain every muscle in her body, and believe me I had warned her with much emphasis on ' we cannot do without you in the show !!' Well she did it and here is the proof, and the bruises !!

All is set for a long drive to Saltburn, the bags are almost packed and the car is cleaned a little ! I hope to stop at the usual watering holes - my favourite Costa just after the start of the M6 and possibly the Dobbies at Callendar prior to that......the thought of a trip around a big garden centre makes me very happy - that's how one knows one is getting old, well so my grandchildren tell me. 'Oh no Seanmhair, not another GARDEN centre, it's so boring......'
No it is not.....I firmly reply !

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