I have had two days off from teaching and am girding my musical loins for the next few weeks. There are ten exam candidates on Monday, then teaching and finally driving off into the sunrise for Saltburn Festival on Thursday. I am very honoured to be the President of the festival. I was invited two years ago and was utterly delighted to accept the position. It is a festival very close to my heart as my late father was the Chairman for about 20 years in the 70's and 80's. I had all my singing lessons in Saltburn from the age of 13 as White Cottage, Windsor Road was Middy's home. The other thing is I was actually born in a maternity home in Saltburn ! You can see then that this gorgeous little Victorian seaside town is very close to my heart.
I am always delighted to take my Island students on this 10 hour trip and introduce them to where I spent my young days. It is a very beautiful part of the UK, brimming with post card villages in the dales and wide vistas over he moors and the sea. It is a hard few days with the driving and the actual festival but I love it.
This year some of the younger girls are going for the first time and will be experiencing a different world of singing. They are very excited about going and I am sure they will have a ball. The older singers are making what for a couple is their fourth or fifth time there, and they have infected the newbies by their anticipation and enthusiasm.
The EFT tapping definitely works and the shoulder pain is lessening - not gone but much easier. I am working on it each day and hoping to clear it up in the not too distant future.

Saltburn nestled in the bay under the cliffs

A cosy glow in the stove ! ( dog has retired up to bed !)
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