Friday, 4 August 2017

The Final Fling....

Well, it is all over. Docking in Dundee was fast and efficient and very wet ! The last day was rather nice in that at the end of a cruise it is usual to have to leave the cabin at some ungodly hour like 7.30am then sit and wait for your embarkation coloured tag to come around. This is quite an abrupt end to what is normally a leisurely style of holiday ! The pleasure of docking mid afternoon meant we did not have to clear our cabins until 11.30 am, enjoy a bit of lunch and finally carry the suitcase down four decks and leave around 2pm. Now that is what I called civilised!

Some pictures of the final days.....

My last coffee onboard, sad face !

The last night and my Ukrainian cabin steward Larysa made a lovely towel swan !

Recovering from my illness meant I was not fit enough to go into Lerwick, so I watched from the deck of the ship. The sun was blazing...

So it is done, and Kate dropped me off at home at 9pm ish. The peace and quiet of the house is wonderful. I googled what the doctor had written on my medical record as my diagnosis and it was Vestibular Neuronitis or Labrynthitis, exacerbated by noise, light, movement and stress. The stress has gone, the place is blissfully silent and the candle is lit. I can feel it all melt away. 

It is wonderful to travel, and it has been a glorious trip around the Northern lands, but it is always such a pleasure to come home. Two cups of tea later and I am really back.

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