Friday, 21 July 2017

Patience- Victory, we triumph !

We are two nights done now, so halfway through the run. This year due to some double booking by one venue we were left with only four of our normal five shows, so here's hoping the finance adds up in the end. We are totally non profit making and we self fund our own productions. I have oft times been persuaded to try for funding or bursaries but throughout my whole teaching career I have declined that choice. I am always reluctant to lose any control to other 'bodies' or to feel as if we must conform to other funding groups ideas or regulations. Self funding means it is always monetarily tight but we - the committee as well as myself - have complete control over how we spend and on what. In other words we answer to no one but ourselves.

The two first performances have been fantastic. This has been such a relatively easy ride - I honestly don't think I have shouted very much at all ( you may need to verify that with my lovely cast of course ). There have been no real hitches or issues and everyone is giving their all. I am so very proud of them. Last night's audience laughed in all the right places and gave real encouragement to the cast. We feed so much on an audience reaction, so if they are very dead it can be a miserable experience ! 

The guys singing the trio in Act 2 always raise audience guffaws and along with the ridiculousness of the whole libretto it is a great night out !

The costumes are gorgeous, the show looks quite remarkable, and the ladies sari's are exquisite and jewel bright, and as was remarked to me last night, the girls immediately walk with serene elegance, and it is true, they seem to change their physical air when the flowing silk is wrapped around them !

I have packed my case now, the Icelandic Krone are waiting for me at the post office and the ship is on its way to Dundee as I write. On its way specifically for me you understand ! Having said that I am so looking forward to the next two shows - standing in the wings and watching is such a pleasure.

Many congratulations to everyone. Set builders and painters, magnificent costume ladies, terrific trio of props ladies and my wonderful, hard working and ultra talented cast. 

 Some pictures of the dress rehearsal plus a pre rehearsal group !




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